Hello world!

Posted: June 10, 2010 in Uncategorized

Hi I’m Louise

Hope you find something of interest in my musings.

I’m just trying to figure it all out. How to have it all, family work and stuff. You know so much to do, so little time and all that. Also reflecting on life and this and that now and again – whatever comes to mind.

Comments and questions always welcome!

  1. Ah, Louise, what a hoot, hearing about your skiing experiences. I can relate, as I was somewhat of a skiing klutz myself when I lived in a ski town in Colorado. I was heartened to hear that your lessons have been successful in launching your new sport at the ripe age of 49! Good for you and for trying again!

    What a switch from Austrailia! Are you more acclimated to Utah now? Hope so.

    Look forward to more posts Good fro you for displaying courage and overcoming your fear.

    The big fear I have overcome, or am about to overcome, is putting my book out to the world for all to see. As it is about my healing journey, it is pretty personal. I was afraid for others to “see” me. Well, then I had an epiphany, which jolted me into realizing that my life purpose is to share my story. Since that time, I ahve been able to move forward with publishing the book. Now if I could just get a quality printed book… I am having trouble with that…

    Carolyn CJ Jones

    • Thanks Carolyn! It is certainly daunting launching your ‘self’ into the world and I applaud you for what you are doing – it’s a much deeper story than this – though as I develop I think some of my posts will delve deeper – baby steps 🙂

      I am getting over the move but I’m sure there’ll be more about that to come!

  2. Marion says:

    Louise, your blog looks great!! Keep those posts coming!

  3. Love the blog Louise .. Honestly blogging is going to be my one big fear I overcome and a link will be coming to your inbox soon!! maybe we can guest blog for each other …LOL

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